serch for the new training ground.
As I try find my places in life as I find my path as a warrior my journys took me far and whild to depte of high and lows to
truth and failors but I still reise above it ones we fall down we pick self up and keep going.
BEing a warrior much as hard be a framer or fishmen or steel worker still same displend as awarrior come with me on
journy to find the new training grounds...
MY journy took me little way out side of town to woods that called the mud flats still cold becaues Jan and spring not
to far off and been in side training most of the winter I brave the bone chilling cold to serch for places.
TWO more monthes and spring be here as my journal tell my tail of life we all need die alittle to defind our worth in life and
our raods to are complate path here in the woods I find that path......
Here in the woods sign of tell harsh winter seem to be still griping that wood breath takeing cold grip my throte like an samurai
grip the handle of his sword tigth unstatement of a grip that willed death over the blade but still breath takeing to see serch for the new training ground.