Thursday, September 10, 2015


  As I said it Taijutsu and body move as one learn this first know how and why where and what to do in this type of combat the studies is hard even those it basic skill of the shinobi and samurai  there no best secrets in combat some say it isn't a combat skill.

Why the skill got turn on then turn off after the scroll come out that confused a lot Ninjutsu students  in modern time in past was a skill of combat learning around samurai armor kinhon by pass hard contacted of armor  as will the samurai knew this as will !

Modern time samurai armor  isn't worn any more because it isn't call for that status  there people like ever one else but sword school of samurai still in swing still in this time kinhon is same way even those shinobi on mono not around or is it  the art is still made for the time learn what make our muscle tick how to body work what limes arm a leg or joint have if bent or hit in way knock back to ground our joint can so much pressure then it snap like twig or like branch of tree    kin hon work that play field braking balances of the enemy  not use to much force but enough to make man go down right hold locks and hits make  unarmed combat an martial art or the way.

What holds on this type of combat will bujinkan  studies as it is go with modern way as I know so far there do classic and modern application's of kinhon as learn this in bujinkan free black belt course only year in it after that I will find another school  the hater still don't think that I can learn by watching video's so far I have prove my skill match tex book ninjutsu to a T surpass it by leap's long with hanbo  and ninja to and other weapon I might not  be the best in their eyes only one can say my teacher for now and he like the hard work I put every studies