People don't know other trick this weapon can do just say you if with this work explore possibility
Monday, November 24, 2014
This month training is kyoketsu shoge this weapon have lot trick to it not only shooting out and spin and throwing helicopter spin there fake out also tie man up and stabbing and cutting there hooking too now about the hooking not you can hook and cut you can rip and tier the flesh and muscle the ox's ring can use to mash block and to strike.....
People don't know other trick this weapon can do just say you if with this work explore possibility
People don't know other trick this weapon can do just say you if with this work explore possibility
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Shinobi no mono have devices that was used in past just like the one that held in my hand this thunder b air soft hand grade .
The Hand grades are not new in japan in 1500 and 1600 ad and in china where was first made the china ninja and japan ninja use same tactics of war fair as art of war state's..
The poper's was device that use in the historical part of in search of the ninja fore detraction this sound alone of the m-80 make you looking around corner The device in past have load sound of bang that rock your ears to point run and hind!
In fire tactic of Kuden a manual use by Iga and Koka and Togakure ryu shinobi no mono hold the key of make them but in Mr Cummins book that also held the secret of the pass down to japan history as I know know more then some of info of the shinobi no mono of today I learn the past as will Ninjutsu of the today have look back to the pass as will here and now the video above tell you on use of the shinobi no mono looking devices .
The Hand grades are not new in japan in 1500 and 1600 ad and in china where was first made the china ninja and japan ninja use same tactics of war fair as art of war state's..
The poper's was device that use in the historical part of in search of the ninja fore detraction this sound alone of the m-80 make you looking around corner The device in past have load sound of bang that rock your ears to point run and hind!
In fire tactic of Kuden a manual use by Iga and Koka and Togakure ryu shinobi no mono hold the key of make them but in Mr Cummins book that also held the secret of the pass down to japan history as I know know more then some of info of the shinobi no mono of today I learn the past as will Ninjutsu of the today have look back to the pass as will here and now the video above tell you on use of the shinobi no mono looking devices .
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Well weapon training one of weapons that look funny called KYOKETSU SHOGE this weapon is knife with hook blade chain or horse hair or rope as will and weighted ox's ring
All ninjutsu the weapon this one thinking man weapon yes you have think and learn less four task with it .
Here task of this weapon learning the arm leinth finger looping the swing or the spinning and shooting out or smashing basic in nature but yet
the task is importion to master this weapon.
Known as farm tool for digging and cutting yet been seen as one both samurai and shinobi weapon or tool KYOKETSU SHOGE have another story that might be better then a farm tool historically as spear tip and spear called kama yari hook type spear this one hook spear there is two hook that use in same way pull horse men right off the horse in battle the spear part to hold the horse man down as solder stab him to death yes a gang up that how they fight back then.
The mounted samurai fear this weapon or spear reason why it was feared this spear because of the hook that samurai in battle would come a cross this weapon he would draw his sword and cut tip off historically the battle fielded was litter with broken weapon's that was pick and reused and again KYOKETSU SHOGE was one them long with ninja-to !
I hope this well explain this weapon or tool
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Yes it is I go out learn the methods of to day survival learning what work a skill some day I might need to keep a live in the past shinobi or ninja took this live learning skill on there mission because life was hard back then they had live off the land fore week at time or months.
Each skill have purples reading the trails the startsing fire water hunting learn herbs what plaint was eatable all this was part of their to learn and master these skills.
TODAY'S SURVIVAL is more modern still have basic theam learning how to learning to live these skill some time lost on pc game tv and cell phone's try taken kid out in wood teaching to survive it like pulling teeth they will not want to if there on pocket Nintendo cell phone on netfixs there dead in the water here some video to you under stand
Yes it is I go out learn the methods of to day survival learning what work a skill some day I might need to keep a live in the past shinobi or ninja took this live learning skill on there mission because life was hard back then they had live off the land fore week at time or months.
Each skill have purples reading the trails the startsing fire water hunting learn herbs what plaint was eatable all this was part of their to learn and master these skills.
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Will I am gone start surivival training it might be searies show tip and edvdesion training and taps all in video's NINJA Surivial part 2 is gone be first one last time i try this the place of mud flats was mess up a twister .......
Survival not a game there chance of death or snake bites this why the video going be from start to finsh here some video get ready fore the new videos
Friday, April 11, 2014
Truth about war we might not see battle in are life time reality is something you don't want to see blood body and arm head leg people that had there face rip off is gully truth this why I train so never have see it but reality I might go though hell that other may not phantom ......
Death of love ones might be frighten enough reality is death is around us every day car crash trains crash airline crash's ship every where we go death follows!
In the past and samurai give thir life for his lord and family and land as same as shinobi does that why shinobi was send out first to spy and to scout new path and info reality of it all he or she might not make it back to there family after it over this my blog I know what might come but I know battle is not chose its some that does happen if don't want to come!
Friday, March 7, 2014
Being shinobi or ninja not easy thing we have be ready for everything even our self mastery the simple thing like emotion some time. I have under control some time I don't not all time even I ever master it study of kuji kiri ninjutsu mastery of mind thought and action take year or centers to master compleatly
So as my journeyer though life and ninjutsu
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