I did one video in the snow in 2010 in meddle of winter I had no white uniform just black I use my teaching of intonjutsu and use what i had people thought was a camera trick just teaching that learned
first hided near snow moned you get right close to it the snow will turn you white if do not move plus the snow play trick with eyes near dusk light shade of gray and white mix with black you will learn your eyes can't see when all white and you get traded fixed on just white when you look way fast you see red then pink then big bright white then black this effect is called snow blindness this only in sun out not true it happen anytime you out in white snow but lesser chance get full snow blindness.
Second place was be hind a tree cheesy but effective if you use it just right with out casting shadow you blend in even in black uniform third place was in the shadow of tree and wall also with out move in you appear part of the shadow .
Now fine point of white on white the trick learn what is possible what not can you see a white rabbit in white snow no but if it move you can but only if he or she keep move ones it stop you can't see it turn part of the land scape as quickly.
My point is this learning ninjutsu studies points that learnable not what can't be learnt everything is possible if you fine the way laying face down in the snow with white and not move until it time flat snow hills and far away give you point of being invisible learning of this and take shape of snow hill help too.
Even good dip in snow make you seem to be not there to escape your enemy or stock your target I be going into the white and maybe intonjutsu video be for winter end to show you true stealth when it possible learning white on white trick of shinobi no mono of these time!
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